Remnant Church
An Online Church Community
Arrogance and pride is the downfall of man. Humility goes a long way in ensuring that your life is fruitful. Pastor Olvera preaches part 2 in the Battle Ready Men series, highlighting the responsibility that fathers must take in raising the next generation.
In this week's message, Pastor Olvera highlights the critical mission that the older generation has been given: teach our youth, impart wisdom in them and encourage them to take up the mantle to carry forward the church. In "Raising Up Battle Ready Men", Pastor shares personal experience, biblical truths and challenges the older generation to get involved in doing their part to raise the next generation of young men and women of God.
Did you know gluttony is more than just overindulging in junk food? It's also linked to laziness in your daily life. From staying up way too late, to sleeping the day away, gluttony can grab ahold of your life and drag you down. Pastor Olvera preaches a message on Gluttony and how to overcome it to become the best version of yourself that God created you to be.
We believe there is power in prayer, especially when the Church prays together. Submit a prayer request for your needs so we can pray for you and with you.